A wireless backscatter brain-computer interface for electrophysiology experiments
The NeuroDisc is a wireless brain-computer interface that can interface with up to 16 electrode channels. Channels can be sampled at up 20 kSamples/sec with 16-bit resolution thanks to an on-board Intan RHS2116 biopotential front end. Raw high-bandwidth neural data can then be streamed to an external system using several different modes:
- A custom 25 Mbps differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK) uplink that expends only 12.4 pJ/bit
- A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) backscatter uplink that is compatible with any BLE device (e.g. smartphone or tablet) and consumes <200 pJ/bit, over 50X more energy efficient than commercially available BLE transmitters